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The worst day of my life

Update: Can't get enough music?

Man! I just think I have had a contender for the worst day of life scale! Yesterday was a real doozy. Had an interview in the morning that left me feeling like I had been assaulted. It had a numerical reasoning test. Should be no problem, huh? Yeah well, my brain said something along the lines of, “I have already done way to much for you recently, and now you want me to divide numbers under pressure? No Sir!! I’m outa here.” Actually, it could have also been saying something like, “I don’t do this shit anymore!! I have calculators and spreadsheets for this crap!”. Whatever it was, there was a long resounding silence afterward for about the period of the test. How awful! I went back into work afterwards but was too shattered so I went home and went to the Rixy in Brixton, ate popcorn and watched The Breakup.

Review of The Breakup

Firstly, this film is a bit creepy. You can’t help thinking of the film Mr & Mrs Smith and then shaking your head. Mr & Mrs Smith = Brad pit married to sexy, mysterious powerful women. The Breakup = Jennifer Aniston going out with a guy who is a slob, still plays computer games at whatever fat age he is, is a tour guide on a bus in Chicago and can’t even do that properly, and she is devastated that she has broken up with him and spends the rest of the film trying to win back this dipshit while he brings strippers home. Hmmm.

Film itself? It redefines the word “banal”. Actually, it doesn’t. The current definition is perfectly suitable already. But it did cheer me up on a dreary day, and that means that I can’t be too harsh about it, and I guess does say something for the film.

After the film I had to go househunting to a place that I really, really liked to meet the other person. Yes. That is exactly what I was in the mood for.

For the first little moments I had the urge to return home, and the thought of my still existent flight home in October wasn’t sounding so crazy. Such a weird day. I think that it was my little body and mind give me a tap on the shoulder and saying, “You are not superhuman!”. Ok, maybe it was a thump over the head with a piece of 4 by 4, but that was the gist of it. Who would have thought? Me? Mortal?!

Anyway, today I am back to superhuman status and everything is so far quite peachy. The below little character is entirely random. Happy Friday!! .

PS - If you already have downloaded this track, the above is just my little trick to get everyone to listen to it. It is gold)

PPS - If you don't really think that the above should could as worst day ever, try doing the above while feeling like you are wading through some sort of black treacle. That is the only way I can describe it! It was awful!


Blogger tangles said...

Oooh. Today is good. My coworker just rang in. He is at home today and has left me twenty oranges. My head explodeth with delight.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look at gmail please.

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh - and you know my thoughts re: yesterday - you are mortal - even if you do insist on wearing tights and a cape - and you have done amazingly well thus far. Ups and downs.

8:11 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Just how I like my music.

absolutely crazy.

KT - yes. But I do look dashing.

8:24 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

I hate interviews, spesh ones with tests. Good luck with the househunting! Did you visit the place you liked or not?? Don't quite understand that part.

awesome music links, too!

1:54 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

No - the room hunting was awful too. I really liked the people, but was in a killer mood and felt like crying... not the best first impressions. When they asked me .. "soo... do you have any questions?", I nearly screamed. No! I don't have any questions left! I gave all my cool questions to the interviewers this morning! I have nothing left to give! Can't you understand that?!!!!

But I didn't. I just whimpered.

But it is all behind me now. Onwards and upwards.

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there tiger. All bad days must be balanced with equally good ones so you now have a ripper of a day to look forward to somewhere in the future.

10:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully this cheers you up Chicken - have checked with the kids, and you're welcome to stay in the spare room! We've missed you. Markus demands cake. And none of us are foreign... actually one of us is - me.
Hm - perhaps I will text this to you.


4:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

12:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

7:26 AM  

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