User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: tangles says...


tangles says...

This weekend is going to be hot in London. I fear retribution from the Gods of Comfort, cause I have been living in perpetual summer and sun for 9 months now. The hotter it is, the scared-er I get.

You can live on £10 for a week and have change. Enter stage left, four cans of chick peas for £1 in Brixton.

This project below will be worth checking out ...

“Salute MUMMER - the new amazing versatile project of Stefan Jungmair (from former Klein Rec.-based duo MUM) and vocal goddess Betty Semper. With -Soulorganismstate- the composer/producer and the gifted singer have created an soulorganic album way beyond the " It's an ecclectic mix of this and that" bull. The two wizards of sound reanimate and masquerade Electronic Groove and Blues Funk genre elements into never-known timbres. A debut of a special kind & flavour: Sweet and sour, mellow and yellow, high- and lowdown. With vocal featurings of Wayne Martin (cooperated with Boozoo Bayou) and Angela Reisinger aka Angel Rice (Konsorten TM and Mirize).”

Actually - can someone do me a little favour and have a listen here and tell me what you think? I don't have headphones....


Blogger K said...


I have your credit card, don't worry - I'll give it to you tonight.


10:45 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

oooooh.... (tangles breathed).


Once again I will have money!!!

The world is my oyster! And I, a hungry diner at Nick's!!

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A hungry diner at nicks? What the hell does THAT mean my random little friend? In jokes suck. Unless you are in on them. Usually.

11:54 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Well... I chose a fancy seafood restaurant in Sydney cause I figured that most people reading would be Sydney-ites.

Nicks man, you know, Nicks!!

And I am not random!! I just follow a highly complex system so top secret and super-duper that it cannot be revealed... even to me!

12:42 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

But seriously, I am all for inclusive jokes. Now I feel bad and exclusive! Kate Moss never has this problem!!


(sorry - it is Friday and I am a little excitable)

12:56 AM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

What? Anyway, I listened to the myspace link. Sounds orright. Kinda like... umm.. someone singing, with some rhythmic and melodious synthesized sounds in the background.

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.

3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie is going to 'give it' to Chia tonight.

It's all adding to the theory Katie....

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang the disasterous social consequences, Chicken - we have a LOT of chemistry!

3:19 AM  

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