User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: Not much but so much


Not much but so much

Last night I got my first taste of Sunday evening blues for a long while, and it tasted distinctly of hot chips with gravy. Weekend was spent wandering around Angel, quite possibly simply because I like the name of the place. The shops are also good, which is saying something cause me enjoying shopping is like a person who hates shopping reporting a positive shopping experience. In fact, the resemblance is scary!!

Just watchin the Aussie game over my shoulder at work. We have a nice big screen TV up one end of the room, but I do think I will be nipping down to the pub to watch the last 20 mins,,,

I will leave you with a shot from Awesome; I fuckin shot that!

The beastie boys handed out 50 video cams at one of their gigs and this is the resultant edited film. Review say that it takes “keeping it real” a little too far and is visually not much better than watching a friends boozy phone camera shots from gig you missed. I say, “…it’s the Beastie Boys!” and rest my case. In a good way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you put the words: 'blues' and 'hot chips with gravy' in the same sentence... Heresy!

10:54 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

One of the reasons that I am distractedly happy today is that I am thinking of going back to study (again) for a masters (this time) in economics (competition and regulation specifically). Oooooh. The joy!!

Not sure what will come of this -but probably something at some point...

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how exciting!

guess what - i was annoyed at the woman blocking the gates for the tube this morning... then I thought... I know that red coat... and it was YOU!

6:56 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

I know... I ran outa credit .. I wasn't really blocking the gates.. just a slight hold-up. Woe!!

But now I have credit and a whole £10 left in my wallet. This povo thing is fun!

Was nice to see your morning face.

7:24 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

This may be boring to most of you, but check out the strangest telco annual report I have ever seen...

7:44 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Please scroll down. There are some cracker pictures in it...

Oh mirth. Page 41! And the Auditor's Opinion page 35!!

(should I get out more?)

7:59 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

silly but funny

A biology graduate student went to Borneo to take some samples for her thesis work. She flew there, found a guide with a canoe to take her up the river to the remote site where she would make her collections...

About noon on the second day of travel up the river they began to hear drums. Being a city girl by nature, the biologist was disturbed by the noise of the drums. She asked the guide, "What are those drums?"

The guide turned to her and said, "Drums OK, but VERY BAD when they stop."

Many hours past but the drumming did not cease. As the sun was about to set, suddenly the drum beats stopped...

With an expression of fear on her face the biologist turned to her guide and said, "The Drums have stopped, what happens now?"

The guide crouched down, covered his head with both hands and said, "Bass Solo."

6:24 PM  

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