User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: Here goes..


Here goes..

Ok kindly patient chaps and ladies, here are some pretty, or at least colourful, photos to delight and amuse.

Pretty Honfleur in Normandy (second day sometime around 9am)

Me after a good nights sleep still in France near Bayeaux experementing with smiling for the camera. Not very successful still.

Some Chateaux or another early in the morning before all the other bastards got to it.

Beautiful Gimmel les Cascades (France)

Walking around Gimmel. It was so stunningly beatuful. It was raining for the whole walk but the moss and everything made it lovely. I kept expecting Robin Hood to leap out and do his thing.

Me after the best meal of my life in Gimmel

One early morning high in the Pyrenees near Lourdes France

I get sidetracked by my own shadow in Frejus, France...

Stupidly pretty town of the Cinque Terre in Italy...



Old dude walks home (some town in Italy)

Same town nearby Roman Amphitheatre ruins

The Cathedral we nearly saw

Just another day in Rome

Old stuff getting older in Rome...

Around Como, pretty Como...

I play Heidi Switzerland

Ooooooh... tunnels... in Mountains...


Blogger tangles said...

Some geek humour for you: following the book Guns Germs and Steel, the author wrote another highly successful book Collapse: Why Do Civilizations Fail?

Now, hilariously in my opinion, the author of the economics book, Butterful Economics, has come out with a book "Why Most Things Fail : Evolution, Extinction and Economics".

Oh mirth. There is something I really dig about economist humour. Black as buggery and only just mindly humorous or clever is the way they like to play it.

8:00 AM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

oh the delicious irony! Thanks Chia, my belly is now full of yummy scrumptious irony.

speaking of belly-full matters, that photo of you after the meal is positively angelic!

I hope after posting it you voted on your own poll for the option "It feels like sun is shining out of my eyeballs."

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That 'no Chia' shadow was also pretty awesome. Very f-arty.

1:03 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

Fab photos! I can almost smell my presence off stage on a few of them.

9:14 AM  

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