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...back from Melbourne (again)

Well, back from Melbourne. I am starting to feel like some sort of "traveling often between Melbourne and Sydney" type person. Today, I got off the plane all mentally prepared to be cold, ‘til I remembered that Sydney is the warm one.

Work went well in Melbourne, much to my relief and pride. I have to write a fair bit within the next 36 hours, but, after last week’s creative effort, I am not too scared.

I also got to catch up with Choco and the lovely Feebz, and had a nice Friday night watching “V for Vendetta”, which is just begging to have reviewers say, “… or should that be ‘B for Boring’, ‘C for Crappy’, or ‘T for Talk about setting up some really good themes and then abandoning them in favor of some half-bred cross between The Phantom of the Opera and The Third Reich”. No, that is actually unfair - it was neither boring nor crappy and I had a great time. I also enjoyed merrily bitching about the drizzly Melbourne weather, until I realized that my plans have me spanned between Melbourne and London. Hmmm. I think that the pot is calling the kettle cold and dank.

My working list of achievements and "To-Do"s

* Sold couch to a crazy couple who would not know a "shifting spanner" if it was jammed firmly in their hand. To them I say, “Good freakin’ luck! You are going to need it!”

* Obtained international drivers permit. This lets me be a nut-job driver in many, many countries. To them I say, “Get outta my way! I’m’a comin’ through!”

* Sold my Sigur Ros tickets. This makes me sad. Very sad. But also happy, cause they sold for more than I paid, thanks to the angels of eBay.

Distinctly NOT done

* Sold bed. This is freakin’ me out a bit.

* Finished packing. However, that is what Thursday is for.

* Change all forwarding addresses.

* Offload the beautiful frangipani

* Get a freaking camera (this is proving a bit of a mental hurdle for me. Despite Choco’s moral support on Friday, I chickened out at the last moment and am still camera-less)

But for now, I am going to finish watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on DVD!!! Ahhhh…. Saturday nights on the couch. God bless them.


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