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Home again, home again, jiggety jig

Update #2: Put some stats behind yr bitching.

Since there has been lots of talk of late about the relative expense of travel locations, I thought I would post these sites for you all.

Global Cost of Living Index

The Economist Big Mac Index

It surprises me how high Sydney is!

Update: frigging boys and their frigging cars

Back in Sydney again. Got in last night to very little fanfare except the warm welcome of my bed.

Not to harp, but here is an indication about the nature of my current housemates - they are bitching about having to pay the $30 to list the add for the room on Need I say more? Imagine living with people whose arse is that tight. I am surprised we need a vacum cleaner; I would have thought that housemates merely walking around the house would have sucked up most debris.

Timing is looking good for England. Currently my list of visit locations is;

* London
* Prague (depending on the lucious KT)
* Berlin (after thinking that Germany during world cup would be the worst idea, I have had a surprise about turn to thinking it would be a great idea)
* Italy (In general. I want pasta)

-> open to other suggestions too. At this stage I haven't really booked anything, so it is all up in the air. But that will need to change soon!

anyway. I like sleep as much as the next person, so am off to bed.


Blogger I-Rock said...

I'm hopefully going to St Petersberg in Septemberish, if some of my aussie allies can prepare the cash in time. You, or kt, or B-roq, or anyone else for that matter, would be welcome to join the convoy.

Wow, sweden does pretty well on the big mac index.

Interesting piece of trivia: Umeå (my town) was the first place in the world where a McDonalds closed down due to lack of business. The rumour is that it was because they refused to provide knives and forks to eat the burgers with. No kidding.

The story is slightly less satisfying now because anothe McDonalds has opened and is going gangbusters (this one does proved knives and forks)

5:13 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Haaaang on. Did that happen before or after the Maccas was closed on King Street, Newtown, Australia?!! I think we will need to research that one!!

(King St still doesn't have a Macca so still wins)

((It is just a street though, and not a town, so maybe the comparison is unjustified))

6:48 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

Dunno, this happened around 1989. When did king st close down?

The story was told to me by pround Umeå residents, so the "first in the world" bit may be only based on a true story.

8:11 PM  

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