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Gay cowboys

Just been reading the news and came across this article on Henry Rollins getting in trouble in AU, with a quote, "Baghdad's safer than my hometown and your PM is a sissy."

Now I am really not a muscle girl, but I am going to use this as an excuse to post a gratuitous Henry shot. He is such a barrel of ridiculous angst and power that it is hard to not be a little in awe.

Howdy folks! Here is me writing for the second time in a week! How insighting!

I just went to see Brokeback Mountain, thinking that (a) I may as well go and see what the fuss is about, and (b) there ain't nothing like seeing two gay cowboys rolling around in a field to get a heterosexual girl's head and heart distracted. It worked, kinda, although I in summary I found the film;

(a) ponderous

(b) to have very little real plot and instead rely on a big long series of meaningful looks

(c) to have complete inconsistancy w.r.t. the set e.g. What the fuck was an early 90's MacPac tent doing at the top of a mountain in the 50s? Hmmm? Dome tents didn't even get invented til the 80s for christ sake.

(d) to have, given its plot, way too few scenes of naked men.

(e) to have a completely forgettable ending

also - within the shorts at the start of a film was a preview of a film about dykes falling in love 'gainst a hetero backdrop. Hmmm. Me thinks that we have not seen the end of films what think you can substitute gay lead character/s for plot.

I give it three "harumphs" (although I may have been in a slightly less than cheerful mood on entering the cinima so do understand that I saw it through black tinted glasses).

Also - Health Ledger does not, I am sad to say, deserve an oscar for the performance. It is actually quite shaky in parts.

Here is one of the few full frontals. Go Heath!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to talk about our cat plan Chia, there seems to have been a disconnect. How´s this for topicality? I flung my Fling BECAUSE of Brokeback Mountain*! How rare!

*Or more accurately because he was from QLD generally.

It´s noice to have you back. I am sorry about the troubles of the heart, but it´s good to have your attention back where it belongs: firmly back on US!

You liked shopping when I was there, young paduin..? Has 6 months seen all my good work undone?

7:40 PM  
Blogger -Feebz- said...

My goodness, it looks as though Jake is giving himself a bit of a 'shake', as it were...

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heath deserves an Oscar for pretending to be straight all these years.

'Padawan' KT. It's spelt 'padawan'. Honestly, when will people use made-up words* properly?

* I retract statement should term prove not to be made up.

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry Chris, I was too busy at high school and uni, you know, having mates and a life and stuff, to tuly learn the Star Wars lingo..

Heath takes method acting to a whole new level with a sprog! Thumbs up.

Ahhh, my two celluloid primary husbands, loving each other, how like my life...

4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was there a gay rodeo scene?

10:22 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

There were more than one rodeo scenes, and all of them a little gay, although more so in the colloquial sense rather than the literal.

11:05 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Urgh. Hang on - both my senses were colloquial. There is something wrong with my head at the moment.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having pondered it for some time, i have come to the conclusion that love is DEFINATELY a four letter word in the typical sense...

11:17 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Oh yep. As is often said, sex just gets better and better. Love, on the other hand, seems to get more and more painful and tricky. I am starting to get the late 20's love paranoia (the "I just don't think that I am cut out for this stuff" dialogue), which is both insulting and terrifying. I can just see me, mid-late 30s, in a bar, with way to much mascara, staggering up to some hapless lad and sluring, "Hay love (hic!) how about coming back to my place .. hur hur.. (hic!)"...


4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and me both Chia, you and me both. Perhaps we should renounce love before it renounces us, thereby giving us first dibs on renouncement, and making us feel better about our lack of success in this arena. I don't know about the mascara thing though, that would probably make me look gay. I have enough trouble convincing people im not as it is, and it would add a whole 'nother layer to the complexities of being 20something and trying to have a successful love life in a rich country while holding down relatively well paid jobs and eating food we havent had to kill ourselves. If drink is the curse of the working class, love is the curse of the middle class.

9:54 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

ahhh.... big B. Yes indeed. That would make finding large enough sunglasess the curse of the upperclass perhaps?

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, yes, that and Cocaine.

2:30 AM  

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