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Commander Keen and other immutable facts

There are some things that I just never stop loving. Chief among them, and right next to Obelix and Asterix, is Commander Keen. Or specifically, Commander Keen “Invasion of the Vorticons”: Episode 1 Marooned on Mars. There is not a screen shot that I do not know intimately. The enemies are not really that nasty, some of them can’t even kill you. You just jump on their heads and they lie there stunned for a while. Most of the game time is spent wandering around, lost, eating pizza and shooting things with a ray gun. Totally up my ally.

Yorps overhead!!!

Look out Garq!! You've just tasted some KEEN STEEL.

This Vortion Robot does not scare me!! Not one bit!! Takes more than a scanky Vorticon Robet to scare THE DEFENDER OF EARTH.

Of all Keen Episodes, the first is still my favorite. Although, I found out today that there was an Keen that was never completed called, The Universe is Toast. I think that could have been good.

The fan site is an absolute blast. You can download the music from the game, including the following great moments in computer music history. "A World of Wonderment", "Aliens Ate my Babysitter", "Be Sphereful with my Diamonds", "Jazz Me", "Make it Tighter", "To The Future", "Wednesday on The Beach", and perhaps my favorite, "Welcome to a Kick in the Pants in Good Old Hillville".

If you haven't been punished enough already, you can see more Keen-ly here.


Blogger tangles said...

A typical Keen story line;

"At the dinner table Billy refuses to eat his vegetables and is sent to his room. He falls asleep and wakes up on top of a hill with two spuds wearing helmets and bayonets standing on either side of him. They explain that he was brought here to Tuberia by the Dream Machine and that his master is the evil Boobus Tuber."

3:56 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

Oh man, my bro's and I used to play that bloody game.

To be honest, I was terrified of that robot. My heart rate would go through the roof, and my delicate fingers would tremble at the keyboard like so many leaves...

5:34 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

They just go so fast. And they are merciless killing machines, unlike the moronically happy green aliens.

Speaking of merciless killing machines, cruise control on cars I find genuinely heart-in-mouth exhilarating. That is, when you set it on like 110 on a flat bit of road (dull), and then you come up to a steep hill where the road is cut through the top of the hill on a blind corner (I'm thinking of a specific hill here, bear with me). The car mercilessly adheres to its set speed, and hurtles fearlessly at full throttle up and through the gap .... oh man that's exciting.

5:40 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

But what about that Kerazy manical dog!!! Do you remember that guy? With his arms streached out ahead of him...? (shudder)

I am going to get dosbox for my lap top and play Keen when I get home.

Also, Singapore has been on the blower. Talks will insue. They may offer me things like promotions and money. I don't know what I will think, but right now I am in "listen mode". This is less a strategic tactic, and more due to the fact I don't have anything to say appart from, "Uhuh", and that just sets them off.

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the whole of Singapore? On the phone at once? Must be noisy.

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about yesterday, it was so lovely to talk to you, but my boss sits approx 50cm to my right and seemed to be clearing his throat a bit too often.

I am really looking forward to weekend chats and thinking of you all the time - hopefully you can find me a phone slot around Singapore.


8:34 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

Commander keen was the best!

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woooooooo! Bring on more nerdy internet posts I say. They make me feel warm, fuzzy and just that touch less nerdy by association with fellow nerds.

I seem to remember that most of year 10 electrical was spent either playing this game or distracting our decidedly computer illiterate electrical teacher enough to allow us to play the game.

12:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aren't nerds who hang with nerds even nerdier? Or just more honest with themselves?

5:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we were hard done by in the Dale. We got excited by going to our Aunty and Uncle's to play Pong.

5:13 AM  

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