The difference between you and me, was always the difference between them and us (DK7 "The Difference" - good track)
Woooah! Crap. There goes another weekend. Time to check the damage.
(a) Mobile phone
(b) Wallet
(c) Handbag
(d) Remaining dignity
(a) Sore back from falling asleep on the couch
(b) Some crazy memories of a fun night at the "Awaken the Green Fairy" party at the NSW Gallery
(c) A weird portrait that was not very good and was subsequently lost cause it was in my bag
(d) The experience of drinking straight Absynth on the rocks (yum!!)
Hmmm. Yep – it was a proper “Tangles Style” weekend complete with the dramatic arrival home at 3pm Sunday afternoon. Ahhhh.
illegal-art is right up my ally.
(a) Mobile phone
(b) Wallet
(c) Handbag
(d) Remaining dignity
(a) Sore back from falling asleep on the couch
(b) Some crazy memories of a fun night at the "Awaken the Green Fairy" party at the NSW Gallery
(c) A weird portrait that was not very good and was subsequently lost cause it was in my bag
(d) The experience of drinking straight Absynth on the rocks (yum!!)
Hmmm. Yep – it was a proper “Tangles Style” weekend complete with the dramatic arrival home at 3pm Sunday afternoon. Ahhhh.
illegal-art is right up my ally.
For example; check out some of the tracks available on illegal-art complilation cd. I have downloaded The Evolution Control Committee's "Rocked by Rape".
Not half bad.
Yeah. I do remember the same. The illegal-art site is pretty old, but inneresting nevertheless.
woo ee.
How did you get home without all those things? have you mastered the art of teleportation? Can I have a go?
Bernard: Fran and me are going out for drinks tonight. we're going to try the new Absinthe. You know that one? The one with that slogan..."the drink that makes you want to kill yourself instantly"?
Heh heh... that was a funny episode. Manny ends up doing the keraziest things.
I ate your bees
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