User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: If you say I don't remember; the sky is grey the sun is bright


If you say I don't remember; the sky is grey the sun is bright

Well hello all my interweb buddies. Sorry about the amount of downtime, but I must admit that things have been hectic as ever at the Tangles Laboritory for Social Experement. Last Thursday I attended the IBM Christmas party (which essentaially flowed through the following sequence til Sunday afternoon)

* Me being the only person who looked like a Christmas pudding / candy cane

* Superman and Lois Lane doing acrobatic tricks from the roof of the Austraslian Stock Exchange (please remember that this is the IT industry that we are talking about)

* Drinking shots of green stuff, loads of beer and catching up with all of my IBM "buddies"

* Calling a friend to get the hell out of there and ending up at the Imperial in Erko at 4am

* Stratigically working from home on Friday

* Catching up on Friday work Saturday

* Being so chuffed that I had finished what I considered to be a stellar white paper in two hours that it was once again beer o'clock

* Catching up with friend "a" for beers and vids

* Recruiting another friend "b" and hitting a party in pado

* Party going off with a reasonable bang

* Landing in Gilligans and waiting for the dust to settle

* Bumping into Wendy at Gilligans and realising that I had completely squandered my oportunities to wish Dr Cok many happy returns on his birthday and setting about promptly rectifying the situation

* Sipping a reasonable red as the sun set on another Sunday

As you can see -> plans to quit have been temporarily placed on hold as I adopt a kind of take no prisoners attitude to my brain cells and generally succumb to idea the year is nearly over and that there will be plenty of time for sleeping Christmas day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bugger that! You sleep when you're dead!

Glad to read about all the flitter flutter, Social Butterfly.

Also - please continue to stay up all night on the weekends, makes for very convenient real time chat.

Hope work continues not to actively irritate.


12:46 AM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

Yeah, work is rarely work over the christmas period. Stick it out until new years and get some extra dollachies, I say.

8:50 AM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

Yeh, ta for the call! At 5am! When I was asleep! With Wen on the line at the same time! Which was confusing!


11:49 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

er .. yeah. "the call" - 5am, huh? You don't say...

I think that it was a confusing moment for everyone involved.

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah. Life ey?

9:45 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...


3:45 PM  

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