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…the sweet joys of voyeurism.

I have just become a paying member of, which, for the forgetful or uninitiated, is a website with super powers in the music department. A non-paying member can track their listening taste, listen to streaming “similar artist” radio, and pursue the tastes of their friends and musical neighbours and discover the hidden depravity of the former and gems of wisdom from the latter.

Now, while all of that has been entertaining me no end over the last couple of months, there are certain things that have been chaffing slightly. “Similar artist” radio can be a little too broad (so many freakin artists) and simultaneously too narrow (too many freaking artists that ALL sound the SAME). But a paid up member can go one of their neighbours and listen to their “loved tracks”, thus looking over their shoulder interweb-wise, and getting a healthily diverse range of music thrown at you from cyberspace which doesn’t necessarily sound like pavement AT ALL (I have noticed that all Indie roads seem to lead Pavement, er, that is, the band Pavement, not the concrete surface pavement). It also feels quite voyeuristic because it is such an unsolicited invasion of someone’s personal music space. I LIKE it.

Now, if you have understood half of what I have just said, then, “Well done you”. I, for one, haven’t. But I do know that I am having a lot of fun.
Also, I am currently minding three turkey chicks. I fed them boiled egg this morning. This means only one thing – my parents are in town and they have brought their own personal circus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes - that's just plain wrong.

Demon sporn/turkey chicks - the line becometh fuzzy....

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi - you're booked in for the weekend - timings please.


2:20 AM  
Blogger K said...

4:04 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Noooo... people have this whole egg thing wrong. Holding up eggs as though they were related to foetuses is like scooping up your menstrual blood and saying that it is baby. Only, much much MUCH less rank. Supermarket eggs are not even fertilized. Although, I guess in this case the eggs were from my parents farm and we do have a slightly randy rooster down that way so they may well have been the real deal. But still. Far cry from foetus in my book*.

*From the sound of things, I am not sure if even I want to read this book.

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah - your book sounds disturbing and as though it should come in a plastic wrap a la American Psycho.

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please meet the other half of my bi-polar personality: y. We met in a typo incident about 3 mins ago.


10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Due to the lack of activity of mathy-mcnerds blog, I choose to publish my latest internet finding to the masses through the medium of tangles.

Pop77_41. Out now.

2:01 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Ooooh! You just beat me to it. I was just visiting my own blog to make the same comment. I am busily wasting bandwidth as we speak. Will report in soon with first impressions.

2:39 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

PS - I can't help but notice that it includes Madonnas "hung up". I am not sure how I feel about this.

2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madonna and her freakin Hung Up launch in London are responsible for at least ten of my new grey hairs! That was a massive deal. Good show though, have to give her that. And she's wearing hot pants at 47 and not inducing vomitting fits - more kudos to her.

4:07 AM  

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