User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: Title: Too tired for words, or "Devil's Velcro"


Title: Too tired for words, or "Devil's Velcro"

Pretty flowers. There were lots of them, and other types that were also pretty. These are at the top of Mt Wills and they hung about like drifts of snow under the snowgums.

The beast that dwelleth within my tent (they failed to mention this on the brochure).

Pati (my sister) and Dad (my Father) nearing the top of Bogong on the first day. Note the mountains in the background. Thems be the ones what we walked up.

The best (IMHO) mother in the world, at the top of the world.

The tent checks out the morning views, sans beast.

I have more such photos, many memories, and legs that look like they have been used as some sort of stick bashing / marchfly killing device (which, for the most part, they have).

What else to say?

Erm - bring on New Years eve!! I have earned a beer or two....

PS - the optional title "Devil's Velcro" refers to the burnt out Snowgums (and other gums) after the 2003 fires. They are curled and gnarled and look like ... well, Devil's Velcro, when the blanket hill after hill. It is really quite amazing seeing the aftermath. Quite surreal in parts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty. For a minute there it made me wish I hadn't played the xbox all holiday. Then it passed.

Hope you NYE was a blast.

11:50 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Hmmm. Yeah "pretty" is one word for it! It was pretty when we were sitting down, and fucking fucking hard going the entire rest of the time. Two very long days of walking and lots of climbing. I think that the endorphines make hikers think they like hiking; but what they are really addicted to is the bit right after you STOP hiking. Now that feels good!

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


* Apologies for all future displays of bad grammar, spelling and general acts of illiteracy.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to have you back in the land of the living, Miss T.


5:33 AM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

Agreed on the stop hiking bit (goes for skiing too).

But it is nice to get some fresh air, innit?

7:23 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Yeps. Fresh air is a special thing these days.

11:43 AM  

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