User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: Merry xMas kids!!!


Merry xMas kids!!!

UPDATE: Christmas carol for ya!

Well. Another year over. It always feels surreal, like getting to the end of a spool of tape and the loose end flapping around disjointedly. I reckon if I were ever to go mad, I would do so at Christmas time. It is just a leeeetle too surreal for abstract minded folk.

This year has been an interesting one for me. I was really wanting a go easy time. It was going to be 12 months of stability and consistency, and I was going to sit back and reap the emotional rewards. Instead, it has been an absolute rollercoaster. The best description of I feel now is to picture Jack Kerouac in his jalopy driving from one side of America to the other, helter skelter, and with bits of car flying off in all directions, til he finally arrives on the west coast and the car coughs and splutters, dies, and then rolls slowly into the destination driveway to never move again. Now, that is a little extreme. This jalopy will be totally fine after a bit of sleep, some home cookin and outdoory activities, but the mental image still works for me.

The lesson from all this is perhaps is not at all about the actual events and trials of the year, but more that you never bloody know what the next 12 months will bring and you are fooling yourself if you set out thinking you do.

Best wishes to all of you. May Christmas be a time of ridiculous amounts of sleep and year to come blow your socks off.


Blogger dr. cok said...

Meery Xmas I'm drunk!

7:55 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Good show, old chap!!

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jalopy sounds like sloppy, which works.

love you.

9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, a wonderful Chris' birthday and a happy New Year to you all.

(For the majority of you who will have undoubtedly missed that cleverly disguised reference to my own birthday, I was indeed using other people’s blogs to advertise my name day due to the lack of my own Interweb space. Cheques can be made out directly to me.)

Oh, and I hope you farm break provides the tranquillity required.

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check the letter box near you, Monsieur le Christophe! I have hired a warp pidgie!


4:49 AM  
Blogger K said...

yo yo yo.

How did the tent go, go, go?


5:24 AM  
Blogger K said...

Sorry everyone, switching to decaf.

5:24 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Tent = good. Legs = knackered. It was one of the most crazy three day hikes ever. Climbed Bogong = highest mountain in Vic (and only and 30m or so less than Kosciusko I believe). Then down and up to Mount Wills, where, unfortunatelly, the tank was dry and banked on water was not forth coming. Anyway, will do proper blog when I have a bit of time. Got some Dad photos as well, so it will be blogging in technicolour. How exciting!

12:28 PM  

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