A pain in the heart is worth two in the ears
Some comments on the earrings;
"Oh! Now you are all grown up!" - housemate
(and then on showing her)
"Gee, they will look great when they stop haemoraging." - housemate
"Gee! Now you really look like a scanky ho" - Mat
("Gee"'s may have been added by me)
Since these people and a chick at the pub are the only people to have seen my newly silvered ears, I am not sure if I am feeling all that confident anymore. However, as ever, unabashed, unbearable and brazen, I will soldier on.
Also – this article Black is the new rock and roll is amusing if not funny. Actually, forgive me if it is down right awful; I have spent most of the day locked up doing work and a cat crapping on my clothes would probably make me giggle right now. HOWEVER – help is at hand in the form of an invite to a housewarming party, so never fear, your intrepid gypsy reporter will endure.
Good day and good evening from your friendly gypsy* reporter.
I have just come back from Industrial Strength in Newtown with two rather nice holes in my ears. Yes, the day has dawned and found me ready for my second crack at having pierced ears. This time I have two holes, rather than the single hole that I adopted in my youth. Perhaps this is a sign of my latent acceptance of my femininity?
Having it done at Industrial Strength was wickid due to the following reasons;
(a) it made me feel pretty tough being surrounded by all that metal
(b) the surgical room and antiseptic smells allowed me to act out any 1950’s dental torture fantasy I may or may not have had
(c) apparently the needle that they use is a hell of a lot more sterile and heals much better than the whole nail-gun approach championed by chemists everywhere
(d) they have cooler jewelry in practical stainless steel
Despite getting the heeby-jeebies during the initial discussion (and having to leave the shop twice and return with valor renewed) I was an absolute champion during the “operation” and didn’t even raise a sweat. I think that I may have found my true calling as some sort of pin cushion for the insane and am heading to mycareer.com.au to start applying for jobs.
PS – though a little bloody, they look damn sweet.
* Gunna head out and get me some
** That is really untrue – you will never see this girl in hoops.
The day you get hoop earrings is the day I start dressing up in suits and going to swanky cocktail bars ordering the latest 'hot' cocktail and snorting coke off the rim of the glass. THAT DAY!
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Just a stepping stone on the way to the tatt.
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Hay Barry! That day actually sounds kinda neat. Just give me a bell!
vis a vis tatts... Urgh! I have a long long and stupidly dull saga going on with my choice of tat. By the time I choose, I think that all my good tat bits may well be sagging to my angles anyway - but give in I have not.
go to bed, I now will. (shit katie, this yoda stuff is catching).
there is nothing wrong with hoops.
noice work, you can share in my expanding collection of shoulder dusters. if you are hardcore enough. having abandoned all my earlier shopping teaching, i have room for doubt.
yes. catching it is. addictive it is. sexy it is not. annoying it is. stop i cannot.
the reptile is rather pretentious. rather indeed. in extremis pretentious.
get a smily face so that when it sags, it turns into a frown.
there si the world´s rudest man sitting beside me. jesus. best be off. hoo roo.
please call me. thanks.
Actually, i am currently wearing a pink collared shirt, dress pants, vry gay looking boots, and a velvet jacket. Im getting there. Really i am.
Sorry to knock the hoops, KT dear. You wear them with none of the Nth Shore scanky bitch look, and all of the dapper gypsy maid. Keep up the good work!
I would rather something that turned from a frown into a smile, me thinks.
I will leave you with my latest thought;
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and heaven has no purgatory like a woman who is having a bit of trouble moving on.
she means generally, right?
I am finding this anti-earring talk highly offensive.
I am, feeling something, and it's....er, what's that? That's right: affronted!
I think you should wear fish hooks as earrings, as a protest against the plight of the Grey Nurse Shark.
Well, I think someone should, and I'm not girly or gay to have any part of me intentionally impaled.
ergh, should have written "enough" between "gay" and "to"
Ha! Awesome slip.
Freudian even.
Chia rocks!
Miss you, love you, Chicken!
Your double barrelled ear holes will be welcomed in Melbourne. COME!
Kt rocks too!!
Also - Melbourne is looking alright on the ideas front right now. We will see!
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