User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: the other other plan


the other other plan

I have that typical "about to go on holiday" symptom. There is a whole bunch of stuff that you HAVE to get done before going ... but you spend MOST of your time frigging around on the internet checking out travel locations, transport options and the pros and cons of Contiki (it is mainly cons, case that wasn't blindingly obvious to all concerned, the chief con being gonorrhea).

This is how it is shaping up.

Tangles' I'm not getting bloody gonorrhea 2006 Tour of Europe - version 1

  • Approx 8-9th April fly to France
  • PICK UP RENTAL CAR IN FRANCE (this is a very important and late addition to the travel spectra of decisions)
  • Drive south to San Sebasta in Spain.
  • Keep going kinda heading around Spain in a roughly anit-clockwise fashion
  • Drive through southern coast of France to Italy.
  • Frig around in Italy trying to find PASTA (ancient artifacts maybe, pasta definitely)
  • Head north again either via Switzerland or not depending on mood
  • Drop car in France, Paris 10th May
  • Fly to Berlin
  • Doof
  • Go to Amsterdam around the (Katie insert date here) of May
  • Go to London
  • Either fly home in disgust and distaste, or take up permanent residency in London.

If anyone is going to be in Europe during that time and fancies a driving folly around the country-side of France and Spain, well … erm … Sucks to you?

No, I am all “ears”

Comments and suggestions welcome. I am a novice to this whole decision making thing, and it is still giving me giddy rushes like a school girl that has eaten too many sherbet bombs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got two words that will hopefully stay with you forever: good shit.

Well done on the biting of the bullet and getting your booty out there. You go girl!

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie inserts: towards the end of

??? how does that strike ya?

Alex is here til the 16th, then half my bed is free and has your name on it...snuglling is optional.

I will call in sick and make it a 3 dayer, chicken, I am pumped, there is a street there where all the shops only sell KAY-babs!

Hell yeah!


9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and we can get bikes both before and after.

9:22 AM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

That's a great plan Tangles! You you have no probs seeing Spain by car on the v. fast autopistas.

I would chuck in a saunter into Portugal for a couple of days - it is meant to be spectacular.

10:06 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Well... I was chatting with Mat about all this last night and he thinks that I may well have bitten off more than I can chew trying to drive that far. Barry thinks that I will miss the fun antics of the backpacking world. I am not sure of anything really, but, despite uncertainty, will continue making decisions. This is my new motto.

"I may know bugger all, but..."

(I haven't quite finished my new motto yet...)

4:28 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

I dunno about the distances involved, but having a car will make you instantly popular at a hostel.

You will be able to pick and choose friends, and demand what you want from them.

Sounds like it'll be an awesome trip, anyway!

KT- can you mail me some decent kebabs. The ones here are awful.

6:39 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Aaah yes, Ian. You have stumbled onto my fiendish plan. Post a little note in the kitchen saying, "Have car - driving to [insert cool place] tomorrow - only hot men without gonoreahha need apply".

It is going to cost me a small bucket of money pick up in Paris / drop in Rome, but, after thinking it over in my new found decisive state of mind, I have decided to press ahead anyway.

Yar. It should be good.

7:14 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Hmmm. That last post may have confused, since I have recently DECIDED to drop the car in Rome after one month. Frees me up a bit. Makes it more do-able.

Weirdly enough, it seems that I will give France the most thorough investigation of all the countries I am visiting. Not sure how this ended up happening, and it is open for mid-trip mind changes, but there you go. Look out thighs, we are entering a cheese storm.

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is the weirdest thing going on with your blog - it's all hyper linked and most odd. And this box I am writing in only fits one word at a time. Crazy antics of the back packing world? people are mostly a lot younger, there's lots of drinking, and rather a few bogans [insert country equiv. description. having a car is great, would allow you to dip into the world of others AT YOUR CHOOSING. Sounds like a plan, Stan. Danni and i drove across Cyprus, stopping off when we found good places to swim, etc, it was loverly.

8:02 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Yeah! The blog went weird at my end too! I frigged around, though, and got it to republish and things looked a little more hunky dory for me. Maybe my content was just a little to risque, perhaps? Push the envelope too far, and the feds will find a way to silence "the man".

Yo KT. I think I am getting pre-amsterdam paranoia as well as giggles! This can only mean one thing - we are going to have a ball!

8:15 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

I just watched Fear and Loathing the other day.

I expect you girls to go one better.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that there won't be monsters in our bar...

but I could go for aviators and the hat... nice, nice...

4:07 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Hmmm. I have a rather naughty aviator dress - does that count?

Hats are good, in theory. Never really managed to pull one off though, unless you count those terry toweling ones that i used to wear as a kid. Man did I look bitchin in them.

2:55 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

katie, don't take this the wrong way, but I can really picture you dressing up like Mr Depp in F&L.

6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont ever NOT wear a hat these days. It's rude not to - or would have been in the 19th century anyway.

I can totally imagine me dressing that way too, i-rock, and fully intend to do so.

Bring it, chicken!

Man, I have 3 awesome trips in 6 weeks coming up - heady daze.

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont ever NOT wear a hat these days. It's rude not to - or would have been in the 19th century anyway.

I can totally imagine me dressing that way too, i-rock, and fully intend to do so.

Bring it, chicken!

Man, I have 3 awesome trips in 6 weeks coming up - heady daze.

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont ever NOT wear a hat these days. It's rude not to - or would have been in the 19th century anyway.

I can totally imagine me dressing that way too, i-rock, and fully intend to do so.

Bring it, chicken!

Man, I have 3 awesome trips in 6 weeks coming up - head daze.

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you say it multiple times, they remember it.

For example:

March 27
March 27
March 27


12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know when yours is either

12:04 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Awwwww crap. That is four daze away!! Mine is 9th of August, but don't hold me to it. It burns... BURNS I SAY!!!

Will try to either act in a timely manner, or make it up later. Either way, should be good.


12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to disagree about the backpacker thing Katie, but you will find the clientelle depends on the hostelle as it were. If you stay in a party hostel, you have a younger crowd, quite right, but if not, you don't. If i don't know something about hostels by now, i must have some serious problems, like a 6 month memory gap. That would be a real bummer. The car is definately an interesting angle... though i have expressed my concerns to Ms Tangles, i wish her the best on her voyage!

1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just had another thought actually. Where exactly are you planning to take le carre Ms Tangles? I remember meeting a guy in prague who had a VW and had experienced all sorts of problems at certain borders... though if you're sticking to western europe, i dont think it would be SO much of a drama.

1:32 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Big B - The good thing about my plan is that it also has a fair bit of non-car travel also, so I get a bit of each. It is true that i can't drive to eastern europe in the car .. they get shirty and the car lending people charge a premium or just don't allow full stop.

11:34 AM  

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