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Out of Como, in Berlin

Sorry about the vagury of the last "post". Strange things happen in Como. Actually, that isn#t true. Como is a sexy little lake side town near the very top of Italy. I stayed there for a number of days and did little day trips to Switzerland, including some Heidi style mountain walking and cheese eating. Much fun. Also, driving around the Swiss alps is truly AWESOME, specially for people who like tunnels. Long tunnels. Oh yeah.

However, I got on the wrong side of the French alps on the way back to Nice (I was seduced by the offer of a very long tunnel and some spurious signage) to (a) drop car and (b) catch flight to Berlin. This meant for some white knuckle driving along a little winding kerazy road at seriously stupid speeds to make up the 400 odd kms of mountain that I had added to my route. This was actually quite fun cause I got to go the full rally car style, but I really wouldn't have wanted any passengers. Going back the way that I came simply wasn,t an option. In the end I was pretty happy because I got to see some bits of France that are actually not touristy and also quite nice.

So here I am in Berlin sans car. I was grinning my arse of when I got on that plane. 30 days of driving, a total of 8000kms under the belt and some massively awesome things seen I am ready to kick back and let other people ferry me around for a bit even if this means having to carry my gear.

Photos. Yes yes I know I know. The camera /big thanks to Choco/ is going very well and is just brimming with inane shots of old things and the odd shot of yours truly trying to a/ smile and b/ not look some god damned constipated (my usual photo expression it seems}. In some I even manage a lopsided grin!

Now Berlin seems very nice so far. Most impressed. Tomorrow I am going to hit some of the galleries and see if I can,t make up for all the ones that I missed in Paris.

Love ya,ll


Blogger tangles said...

PS - Favorite song at the moment is The White Stripes "Red Rain". Actually, the music front has been a bit kerazy for the last months. Sounds trackt to driving ended up being The White Stripes Get Behind Me Satan and the Arcade Fire album, plus a handfull of Pop77 mixes which I now know pretty much by heart. That is alot of hitting repeat, if you catch my drift, and may explain to some degree the fact that some of the lyrics symply will not leave my head whether I am waking or sleeping. /In the red! In the rain!! In the red! In the RAIN!!/ for example.

2:40 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

pps - check out this . I say lock em all up!!! Looks like AU might be just that little bit better by the time I get home all going well.

5:26 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...


(if it's still open)

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arcade Fire is on constant repeat. I have Rebellion (Lies) on my favourites list 8 times!

Can't wait to see you - it'll be so great!

8:29 PM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

So where's your Cherry Como theory now, Mr Moron?

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's obvious; MI5 were getting too close so she dumped the Perry skin and is now masquerading as a doughnut.

(This bad joke only works if you refer to the June 26, 1963 speech of U.S. President John F. Kennedy were he states "Ich bin ein Berliner")

10:35 AM  
Blogger -Feebz- said...

MI5?? Geez, the poms saw it as an internal affair?

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not sure it's counted as sweet talking the lay-dies to compare their physicality to a donut... but I never did have much luck with the lay-dies... or the chaps for that matter...

11:48 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

How do we know this post was written by Chia and not the homeless guy?

12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

12:42 PM  

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