You can't see tits on the radio
I have just been insulted by someone I have never met or seen. As part of my current plan for world domination, I have had to send off to Melbourne Uni for some academic transcripts including a photocopy of my drivers license. After a bit of a kafuffle about address, this is the ensuing email;
Hi (tangles),
Not a problem, I will send it to the UK address. By the way what a
beautiful picture you have on your driver's license.
Best Regards
Now, many of you are probably thinking, “but it is probably quite a nice photo”. Let me assure you, and Mat back me up here, it is NOT a nice photo by any stretch of the imagination. I hope that my resounding “humph” can be heard right over in his frigid little Melbourne office. However, it is also quite funny, so he may hear something like, “humphgiggle”, which he may pass off as just a pigeon fart. There are a lot of pigeons at Melbourne Uni.
Other than that, things are burbling along. I am applying to various things and options and stuff but will not jinx it all by revealing more. Also, if yoga can simply be the act of rolling out your mat, then surely getting to a yoga studio but not actually doing the class is also somewhat yogic. Heres hoping.

In news straight from the couch, I watched The Wickerman the other day. When I put the DVD on, it cleared the room within 20mins. It goes down as being one of the wackiest films I have seen that still retains some semblance of cohesion. It also contains a shitload of nudity. If wacky nudity and a plot about as scary as The Birds (i.e. really not that scary. I mean, they are just birds for Christ sake. What are the going to do? Poo on your jumper?), then The Wickerman might be the film for you.
Hi (tangles),
Not a problem, I will send it to the UK address. By the way what a
beautiful picture you have on your driver's license.
Best Regards
Now, many of you are probably thinking, “but it is probably quite a nice photo”. Let me assure you, and Mat back me up here, it is NOT a nice photo by any stretch of the imagination. I hope that my resounding “humph” can be heard right over in his frigid little Melbourne office. However, it is also quite funny, so he may hear something like, “humphgiggle”, which he may pass off as just a pigeon fart. There are a lot of pigeons at Melbourne Uni.
Other than that, things are burbling along. I am applying to various things and options and stuff but will not jinx it all by revealing more. Also, if yoga can simply be the act of rolling out your mat, then surely getting to a yoga studio but not actually doing the class is also somewhat yogic. Heres hoping.

In news straight from the couch, I watched The Wickerman the other day. When I put the DVD on, it cleared the room within 20mins. It goes down as being one of the wackiest films I have seen that still retains some semblance of cohesion. It also contains a shitload of nudity. If wacky nudity and a plot about as scary as The Birds (i.e. really not that scary. I mean, they are just birds for Christ sake. What are the going to do? Poo on your jumper?), then The Wickerman might be the film for you.

1. The Birds IS scary.
2. You are lovably deranged.
3. The hide of that man - what a hilarious hide, though...
I agree. The hide. And the bit about "lovable".
I assume you mean the original Wicker Man not the remake with Nichols Cage and the killer bees?
I also assume you post title is pointing out that while you can't see tits on the radio, you can see a whole bunch of them in 1960's films about pagans? Alternatively, check out the Russ Meyers back catalogue of breast invested films.
There was a remake? Really?! My word. It had killer bees? Where in the bleedin hell did they fit into the "plot". Mind you, the addition does sound novel, and I do have a bit of thing for Nicholas Cage, so it could be worth checking out.
And yes, although you can't see tits on the radio, you certainly can see quite a few tits in the Wickerman. You can also listen to a song about not seeing tits on the radio in the Scissor Sister track, Tits on the radio which I highly recommend.
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