There goes another weekend. Not a bad one, all up, but pretty quiet. Saturday my housemate and I went shopping in
Paddington. I tried on many dresses. They all made my look like a blancmange. This, by the way, is much much worse than looking like a
christmas pudding. It would have been rather depressing if it didn't make me laugh so much. Some were downright hilarious (if you are having trouble picturing this, understand that the latest fashion is "floaty and frilly" and I am becoming what is generally called "buxom" [if you are still having trouble, just bail now and trust me when I say that even the shopkeepers simply nodded sympathetically when I passed the dress back]).
After that I
lost my car for about one hour. I had become a bit disorientated by all those frills, and Jen buggered off to go see a film and left me traipsing around the town getting a bit panicky. Eventually stumbled on the dear little beast and went over to Ian's do, where I spent a fair bit of time trying to track him down. But, it was all worth it in the end to see his
glowing yellow form.
Sunday, that is today, has been quite a strange day. I went to bed at 10pm last night (missed out on Mardi Gras due to being "not in the mood" at the last minute). I then proceed to have a terrible nights sleep, finally waking at 5am when my male housemate came stumbling in with two likely looking young girls and commenced drinking wine in the living room. I, happily, joined them for a morning tipple before heading off to
Newtown for some coffee and
Then market shopping,
Balmain shopping and
Bondi shopping with Jen. Inundated by yet more blancmange dresses, I am thinking I will call it quits for a bit on that front. Even a cinch belt will not save me in this land (this is a term that I only know from reading
girly mags and is not an indication of proficiency in the "being a girl" stakes).
This week is a busy one for me, so being healthily tired on a Sunday evening is a good thing.
* This, as many may know, is from the TS Elliot poem
The Hollow Men that I rediscovered recently.
I like to rephrase the last section as follows (edit in bold)**;
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the procrastination
For Thine is the Kingdom
** Erm .. again, this might be one of those little gags that is a heck of alot funnier in ones head. Hmmm.
PS - I have recently discovered
Annie Freud who is one of Britain's fine and upcoming young poets. Apparently she is also really good at performing her poems, and if
I were in Britain I would very much like to see her. Some of you may be able to spot why I think she is tops.