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Electro-clash isn’t what it used to be

Sorry to my remaining readers, but periods of silence are going to become a new feature of my blogging, like baubles on the poor murdered trees of London, they will shine through my normal twiggy and pine scented posts. Well, that analogy didn't work. I will try harder in future.

Christmas is gearing up, the Thames is blending into the grey of the sky, and, on the other side of the world, bush fires are causey Merry Christmas havoc in the hills of Victoria. Cause it is so hard to imagine the threat faced by my parents at the moment, my head is having a fun time dreaming nightmares about bushfires instead. Thank you head, you are very helpful.

Today I have a Christmas team lunch at “Balls Brothers” (ahem!), followed by the Christmas party on Thursday night, a four day break in New Forest, then, when I have just removed all hope of ever fitting back into my pants, the group Christmas party the following Thursday. Then, by this time almost redundant, Christmas itself gets a look in. I fear for my britches and their fragile stitches.

In other news, my housemate fell down the stairs the other day, my sister woke to find a tomato under her pillow, and Arcade Fire tickets for three concerts in the New Year sold out in less than 5 minutes on Friday much to concern, bemusement and chagrin respectively.

Hope you are all eating nearly as much as I am, especially those of you placed conveniently as counterweights elsewhere in the world. We don’t want to go affecting its spin, now, do we?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! You are more than counter balanced on this side of the world. We bought scales - and let's just say we've amassed the equivelent of 2 and 3 good sized babies* respectively... One of us... not pointing fingers... is approaching TRIPLE FIGURES.

Me thinks the world has a noticeable lean to the US at the moment. Actually there are loads of fatties, so it probably already does...

*Only reference point I have for the use of 'pounds' until coming here...

2:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously - there is a shop near my work that is a big and tall shop - it goes up tp size K in pants - which is what you get after 8XL.

2:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pps: liked this post - made me chortle.

2:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, i was looking over your blog and didn't
quite find what I was looking for. I'm looking for
different ways to earn money... I did find this though...
a place where you can make some nice extra cash secret shopping.
I made over $900 last month having fun!
make extra money now

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicken's blog definitely hasn't ever earnt me any money - you're goddamn right actually, now that you mention it... FIY, LOL.

9:37 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Glad it made you chortle, KT dear.

Not sure what anon is getting at, though. Though, perhaps if I took Anon's attitude more often things would be different for me. Stop people mid-conversation and say that, though you find them interesting, they still haven't shown you any different ways to make money. Then watch your finances bloom.

2:31 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Can I just say, it is 4 bloody thirty in the afternoon and outside is pitchy black, and they call this a country?!

3:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did attempt to warn you - however - this morning I ate porridge in the pitch black...

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right, first up I thought if I waited patently there would be some explanation to the tomato under the pillow incident, but NO.

Secondly, is it a pho-par (in case you missed it I don't know how to spell this and couldn't be arsed looking it up) to chortle in public? Besides, aren't they protected?

11:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pho par - an unfashionable vietnamese restaurant, haw haw.

Did I miss something? Is chortle now a verb describing some obscene act on a protected species??

I like where you were going with the tree and bauble analogy, but it just needs a little something extra, like a circus clown coming to terms with hereditary syphilis. That's just an example, could also be something much better.

1:34 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Thank you Ian, I might just try to work a couple of sick clowns into some of the analogies I have planned for the new year. They are lacking a certain edge.

8:32 PM  

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