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Yoga stuff

Went to three yoga workshops with Matthew Sweeney on the weekend (see pictured) in Soho. Saturday morning I was kinda questioning the logic which saw it fit that I was limbering up amongst London’s most anally retentive and not ensconced on the couch eating porridge and complaining about the weather. Saturday was focused on jump throughs and jump backs, followed by an afternoon of back bending (my favourite). Then Sunday morning was an introduction to the Intermediate Series. This is getting slightly ahead of myself, since some of these require legs behind head action, crazy balancing on arms stuff (the ones you look at in pictures they just look wrong), but it was good anyhow.

Not much else to report really. My housemate is going quite mad, but I am buying her massive meringues and that seems to be appeasing her. They are as big as an average persons head. I know the rule – never eat anything bigger than your head – but I think that there should be exceptions for meringues.


Blogger tangles said...

Oh My God. Guess who did a really daggy ad in daggy tracksuit pants in the 80s but still managed to look sexy?

you'll never guess!!

Crazy. Lucky he didn't give up his day job too soon.

4:36 AM  
Blogger dr. cok said...


Also, Roy & HG are always mentioning ashtanga yoga, it makes me chortle to hear you mention it.

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah, nice glasses Shaun.

sliding through tubes, trampolines, acrobatic yoga... all well and good, but I won't be impressed until you attempt the human cannonball. Over a volcano.

4:09 PM  
Blogger K said...

ohhhh - it's taking a long time to buffer? who who who? was it you? was it me? have we forgotten?

5:53 PM  
Blogger K said...

Oh - I rock sent that to me. Please send more pictures of your CEO instead. Thanks.

Everyone - Tangles' CEO out hot bosses Hot Boss.

5:56 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Dr Cok : nice to have you all vocal again. Been a bit quiet withoucha. I am sure that Roy & HG would have a proper go at Ashtanga... I can only imagine - but if it is anything like what they did to gymnastics during the olympics it would be well funny.

i-rock : yeah, it is all getting a bit out of hand. I am just hanging on for the ride, really. It will end in tears, I am sure.

KT - yes, yes he does. My upcoming group briefing is the highlight of my calender.. I think I should wear fishies, red lipstick and a short skirt and just kinda gyrate at the back of the meeting room. I am sure it will go down a treat.

9:04 PM  
Blogger tangles said...


ipod and god and richard dawkins...

1:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amateur acrobatic displays usually end in tears. Tears of pain for one person, and tears of laughter for everyone else.

Also - for your meeting, don't underestimate the importance of pheremones. Bucketloads of pheremones. They need not be yours, or even human in origin.

Cool google earth pic. Richard Dawkins is a hack.

2:11 PM  
Blogger K said...


Sure fire hit.

Clcuk, hic, cluck.

Love youuuuuuuuuuuuu.


1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s., in case you're interested,
here's a good critique of an earlier work of Dawkins, written by a decent human being.

8:17 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Oooh! I will give it a read.

8:32 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Ah - hem!!!

9:28 PM  

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