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Scientists at CSIRO have developed a t-shirt that allows you to play air guitar and make music, thus deftly missing the entire point. Still, they have been kind enough to post a video of someone trying to play it here

Meanwhile, an unauthorised biography of Alan Johnes (aka the scariest person on Australian radio) called "Jonestown" makes the observation that, "The masking of his apparent homosexuality is a defining feature of the Jones persona". Well bugger me! Jonesy, huh?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I went on a flying trapezing on (at?) the weekend. Brilliant! I was feeling a bit sick cause I have a bugger London cold at the moment, but it certainly wakes you up!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear - poor Chicken - feel better. Yes - I thought he was a bit fruity...I don't think he's admitted it though has he?

1:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

meanwhile, back at the ranch, poncho, disguised as a door, has had his knob shot off.

4:09 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

I had no idea he was fruity!!! At all! Mind you, just one in a long line of ultra conservatives that are fruity. Maybe that is why they are called conservatives? After conserve? As in fruit conserve?

Been a long day. Give me a break.

5:23 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

It just gets better! Now we have eBay, raunchy sex letters and behind the scenes string pulling!

Go Jonesy, you old peach pot, you!

12:24 AM  

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