User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: some paint


some paint

My walk to work is really devoid of graffiti except for two pieces of paint; one cannot really be called graffiti because it is both too high and too neat, the other most definitely is, but why has it been left? I have been meaning to take photos, but why bother when the internet will do it for you?

This first one is in the back ally that I walk through to get to the back entrance of work. The rest of the walls are clean. It is not exactly what you want to read in the morning;

The other is more heartening, TAKE COURAGE.

The building up the back is where I work..

These are the only two bits of paint in the whole area - it is really odd. They have obviously been left for some time, but why? Just to freak people out? Put them in the mood for stronger coffee? Dunno.


Blogger tangles said...

PS - here is a bit of music for ya. I have just been listening to a Brooklyn band called Dirty on Purpose. Nice name. They are a bit remenicent of a bunch of different artists, M83 spring to mind, as do Yo La Tengo.

Anyway - this track is online not their best, but if you are hankering for music I am not going to stand in your way

dirty on purpose Mindblindess

Myself, I downloaded mine drm intact from the lovely folks at eMusic.

2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this! And remember: Brooklyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyn!

8:31 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Also - apparantly all the kids are listening to The Klaxons.

You can have a little listen:


9:24 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Oooohh.... their homepage makes my old colour scheme look super!

Remember the red, people? And the green? Ahhhh.. those were the days. I think that I might get creative with my random colour editing again at some point!

9:27 PM  

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