User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: Snow that’s what its like


Snow that’s what its like

My first white London-scape! Woke this morning to a nice layer of snow and had to run back inside to get the camera. Everything was a bit more pretty walking to the station and to work.

In other news, my house had a massive house party on Saturday. The downstairs was moved upstairs. A mirror ball, a wooden floor covering, some decks, UV lights and painted wall hangings and about 50 people were moved in downstairs and the whole thing didn’t stop until about 7.30am in the morning. It was not, all up, really what I was in the mood for, but I figure it is the first and hopefully last house party that I will be involved in hosting and as such it was a worthwhile exercise.


Blogger I-Rock said...

it's like the whole city is a cake, and the icing has just been added...

2:24 AM  
Blogger K said...

Oh lovely, I didnt get to see it like that.

I hope you have a living room again in a speedy manner!


3:00 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

No... and housemate wants to leave all the damn mirror balls and stuff so I think it is going to be like a 90s disco down there for another couple of weeks.

Also - for those who don't know - those are shots of my street. It wasn't actually that cold (ok, I was wearing all my warm stuff, but), it was damn slippery! I nearly came arse up so many times on the way to the train. Had to step each foot with deliberation.

3:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh, sweet victory.

10:36 AM  
Blogger James Turner said...

hey tangles, do you remember my story about nearly going A over T on the black ice in front of the soccor mums? =)

6:31 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

pfnnu - what sound pfnnu mean. Confused.

James - Hello!

All - I have a cracker hangover, but last nights gig (seeing the band Califone) was a corker. In a good way. They played the banjo... again, in a good way.

10:24 PM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

There is no good way to play the banjo.

9:31 AM  

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