User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: February 2006


A pain in the heart is worth two in the ears


Some comments on the earrings;

"Oh! Now you are all grown up!" - housemate

(and then on showing her)

"Gee, they will look great when they stop haemoraging." - housemate

"Gee! Now you really look like a scanky ho" - Mat

("Gee"'s may have been added by me)

Since these people and a chick at the pub are the only people to have seen my newly silvered ears, I am not sure if I am feeling all that confident anymore. However, as ever, unabashed, unbearable and brazen, I will soldier on.

Also – this article Black is the new rock and roll is amusing if not funny. Actually, forgive me if it is down right awful; I have spent most of the day locked up doing work and a cat crapping on my clothes would probably make me giggle right now. HOWEVER – help is at hand in the form of an invite to a housewarming party, so never fear, your intrepid gypsy reporter will endure.


Good day and good evening from your friendly gypsy* reporter.

I have just come back from Industrial Strength in Newtown with two rather nice holes in my ears. Yes, the day has dawned and found me ready for my second crack at having pierced ears. This time I have two holes, rather than the single hole that I adopted in my youth. Perhaps this is a sign of my latent acceptance of my femininity?

Having it done at Industrial Strength was wickid due to the following reasons;

(a) it made me feel pretty tough being surrounded by all that metal

(b) the surgical room and antiseptic smells allowed me to act out any 1950’s dental torture fantasy I may or may not have had

(c) apparently the needle that they use is a hell of a lot more sterile and heals much better than the whole nail-gun approach championed by chemists everywhere

(d) they have cooler jewelry in practical stainless steel

Despite getting the heeby-jeebies during the initial discussion (and having to leave the shop twice and return with valor renewed) I was an absolute champion during the “operation” and didn’t even raise a sweat. I think that I may have found my true calling as some sort of pin cushion for the insane and am heading to to start applying for jobs.

PS – though a little bloody, they look damn sweet.

* Gunna head out and get me some Nth Shore hoop earrings first chance I get**

** That is really untrue – you will never see this girl in hoops.


Gay cowboys

Just been reading the news and came across this article on Henry Rollins getting in trouble in AU, with a quote, "Baghdad's safer than my hometown and your PM is a sissy."

Now I am really not a muscle girl, but I am going to use this as an excuse to post a gratuitous Henry shot. He is such a barrel of ridiculous angst and power that it is hard to not be a little in awe.

Howdy folks! Here is me writing for the second time in a week! How insighting!

I just went to see Brokeback Mountain, thinking that (a) I may as well go and see what the fuss is about, and (b) there ain't nothing like seeing two gay cowboys rolling around in a field to get a heterosexual girl's head and heart distracted. It worked, kinda, although I in summary I found the film;

(a) ponderous

(b) to have very little real plot and instead rely on a big long series of meaningful looks

(c) to have complete inconsistancy w.r.t. the set e.g. What the fuck was an early 90's MacPac tent doing at the top of a mountain in the 50s? Hmmm? Dome tents didn't even get invented til the 80s for christ sake.

(d) to have, given its plot, way too few scenes of naked men.

(e) to have a completely forgettable ending

also - within the shorts at the start of a film was a preview of a film about dykes falling in love 'gainst a hetero backdrop. Hmmm. Me thinks that we have not seen the end of films what think you can substitute gay lead character/s for plot.

I give it three "harumphs" (although I may have been in a slightly less than cheerful mood on entering the cinima so do understand that I saw it through black tinted glasses).

Also - Health Ledger does not, I am sad to say, deserve an oscar for the performance. It is actually quite shaky in parts.

Here is one of the few full frontals. Go Heath!!


You mean they could still be living in a primitive state of erotic irresponsibility? - Barbarella

Well. Things putter along. I have been having a bit of a distracting time with matters of the heart, which has had me a little unable to write due to (a) not being around the computer very much, and (b) being generally distracted, disorganized, discombobulated and in complete disarray.

Not to “dis” love per see, but if we could all adopt some sort of Barbarella style love making (whereby love the “old fashioned” way is replaced by downing a pill and touching hands), me thinks that I, for one, would be well pleased. Although it does sound a little like an 80s rave.

Anyway, details are not for the faint hearted and will not make this blog, but suffice to say I am a single girl again for better or worse and have developed a whole new swag of love phobias.

In other news there is surprisingly little to report. Anton, my friend with design studio in Melbourne, has had official go ahead yesterday to start up his new studio. This bodes well for a job offer for your truly in the great wide world of design. As Mat has said, this could well by right up my ally and simultaneously just what the doctor ordered (sounds a little like a gastroscope, but bad taste jokes aside…). The idea of moving to Melbourne is seeming less crazy the less I have to hold me in Sydney, however I am a little disconcerted by my tendency to move cities after every job change / relationship failure. Hmmm. “This town ain’t big enough for the both of us?” I dunno.

But, the jury is still well and truly out and eating lunch at the expense of tax payers dollars, so don’t hold your breath for a “what Chia has decided to do and when” expose.

love y’all.


What you say when you don't really have much to say

Hello folks. I am hanging around my computer a little more these days working on some contract work for my ex-company. It is rather nice to get my teeth back into some work, kinda. Makes my brain feel less fuzzy.

I have been keeping busy in the meantime and spending lots of time at Bondi and other assorted beaches. Not so much of the partying, which is perhaps a good thing, but plenty of quiet beers at the Beech rd hotel.

In other news, a friend of mine located in Melbourne may be in the position of offering me a job as strategist with a newly opening design studio. This is good. The location is bad, though. Various things and whispers have been happening on the job front in Sydney, but I have, if anything, been ignoring them. As for overseas travel - well, ostensibly this is still hanging on the UK births, deaths and marriages getting of the bleeding haunches and sending me over my grandmother’s birth cert that I ordered well over a month ago. However, practically it is hanging on me getting some gumption together and making a bloody decision. HOWEVER, I am not feeling too guilty about the lack of said decision since (a) apparently London weather is pissy at the moment, and (b) the very fact that I am able to be un-anxious about a decision is a total novelty to me and I still haven't gotten over it and am trying to enjoy this state of apathy for as long as it and the weather hold out.

My house has been going well, although there has been a bit of degenerate “note-writing” going on over the stupidest things. The classic was me getting in the other night to find a tersely written note requesting that the chopping board be “found/replaced”, only to discover said chopping board in the cupboard directly below the note. The direct in-s and out-s of the whole thing are totally boring and irrelevant, but the relevant and scintillating point is that the haloed shine that has surrounded my house is rapidly wearing off, which frees me up to bugger off with fewer regrets.

Or, in the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson in Give all to Love

Heartily know,

When half-gods go

The gods arrive.

I like to think that this applies to housemates as well....