User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: October 2005


Oh you selfish country-music loving Lady!!

Important discoveries of the weekend;

(i) The comedy series Arrested Development is hilarious (that basically tided up most of Sunday and explains the post title)

(ii) The advanced yoga class at 12pm is ACTUALLY in Darlinghurst and NOT my local yoga studio (that basically tells you why I got pissed off and quite drunk on Saturday and hence explains to some degree point (i))

Thats it folks. 'Twas a quiet one all up.


Boys O'clock

Title thanks to;

(a) Tangles for her ability to turn on titles in the first place, and
(b) The Dismemberment Plan and their song titled Girls O'clock which inspired me to check the time, and I found that it was Boys O'clock!!

Jennifer, my new housemate, is a bit of a princess (in the nicest possible way). She lives in the top of the house, and each day has to ascend the spiral staircase to reach her abode in the loft. This morning, SHE GOT LOCKED IN HER ROOM. I felt a little like a wicked witch with a fair maiden locked in the top of the highest tower in my castle on the hill. I considered leaving her there as a bit of "prince bait", the theory being that any suitable prices would first have to scale MY balcony and I would lay in ambush. BAM! Gotcha!

The real estate agent advised “kicking the door down”. Ashley and I, rather exuberantly, obliged. Actually, Ashley did most of the kicking, I just clapped and squealed like a school girl.

Combined with the great spider incident of Tuesday night, and last nights “holy hell there is a giant slug in the kitchen” episode, I think that poor Jennifer has had a bit of a rough week. Hip hip hooray for Ashley and his manly muscles, though.

Last night Gen, myself, and two other likely girls went to Bec the hairdressers house for cuts and colours galore. We sat around drinking champes and chatting till a reasonably late hour. Given that this is my first haircut in around 16 months, it was a suitably celebratory affair. Bec, however, has gone the subtle approach. In fact, probably the most notable change in my appearance is my flatter pants due to a thinner wallet.

Nah – it is good. Sexy even. Raow!

It’s Boys O’clock on my watch, kids. Boys O’clock.

Yay!! Titles galore!!


Hi folks!

A couple of administrative matters.

(i) If anyone can tell me why I can't have titles on my blog posts I am "all ears".
(ii) Actually, thats it. Just help me with (i) and I will be happy.

We (here at work) have had a visiting boss from the Singapore office this week, which explains in part my relative silence. In the face of hours of sitting in room while dumb people rant about dumb things, I have developed the ability to maintain indifference in a storm. Though the pointlessness may rock me, in my heart I remain indifferent. In order to hone this skill, I have added meditation to my yoga practice. I sit in the lotus position had slowly chant, “whatever…. whatever…”

The house update is as follows:

We have a ridiculously cool house. It is stupidly awesome. We have a couch that is so cool that Jen and I agreed last night it is “scary’. You almost don’t want to sit on it. Hopefully we will get used to it. It is a little like walking into a furniture show room. We even have a dark dining table with matching chairs and granite place mats. It is all quite over whelming. Russell and Hobs toaster, Breville blenders, two chandeliers, dark TV table with a large TV, and of course the suede modular cream couch. Hmmm! We are going to have a party soon, but everyone will have to stand outside, me thinks, so that they don’t put fingerprints on anything.

It is very hard to listen to this and not laugh out loud. Good clean fun, but funny as.


Hello and welcome to my new home on the interweb. I have assumed a different alias and am currently wearing a fault moustache to really throw google off my tail. For those of you who may think I am overreacting, I have only one word for you: sandwiches*.

I wanted to start on the right foot, and thought there was no better beginning than to see what google would throw up in an image search for “tangles”. The guy below is called “dangle.jpg’. I couldn’t resist.

* Ok, I may need to follow that up with a bit more background. You have heard of the chicks that were fired recently for an email chain based on sandwiches? No? Look, it really doesn’t matter. The main point is that this is what needed to happen. And I have rather taken to my moustache.