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Hi folks!

A couple of administrative matters.

(i) If anyone can tell me why I can't have titles on my blog posts I am "all ears".
(ii) Actually, thats it. Just help me with (i) and I will be happy.

We (here at work) have had a visiting boss from the Singapore office this week, which explains in part my relative silence. In the face of hours of sitting in room while dumb people rant about dumb things, I have developed the ability to maintain indifference in a storm. Though the pointlessness may rock me, in my heart I remain indifferent. In order to hone this skill, I have added meditation to my yoga practice. I sit in the lotus position had slowly chant, “whatever…. whatever…”

The house update is as follows:

We have a ridiculously cool house. It is stupidly awesome. We have a couch that is so cool that Jen and I agreed last night it is “scary’. You almost don’t want to sit on it. Hopefully we will get used to it. It is a little like walking into a furniture show room. We even have a dark dining table with matching chairs and granite place mats. It is all quite over whelming. Russell and Hobs toaster, Breville blenders, two chandeliers, dark TV table with a large TV, and of course the suede modular cream couch. Hmmm! We are going to have a party soon, but everyone will have to stand outside, me thinks, so that they don’t put fingerprints on anything.

It is very hard to listen to this and not laugh out loud. Good clean fun, but funny as.


Blogger I-Rock said...

granite place mats? wow!

I enjoyed the granny's beating up man thing, and I, too, am perplexed about the post title thing.

10:38 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

thanks guys. that is really great..

I have tried changing the background thingo and everything. It is quite a mistory!

1:01 PM  

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