User-agent: * Disallow: / The Tall Tales of Tangles O'Reilly: I can't hold back


I can't hold back

... I just won my eBay bid on "hand dyed alpaca/merino apple blossom knitting yarn"!!!

Oh wait. No that wasn't my good news (though boy, is it good)....

..... I just got offered a job! ... No .. not "A" job, but "THE" job. Yes, the one that I thought I really balls-ed up the interview for the first time and the subsequently thought that I really balls-ed up the second interview after they bizarrely asked me back. I have been holding out on telling the internet for a whole 24 hours because there people are still talking to my people and stupid little things like money and, well, mainly money, and I am a dotted line type person which means that I don't like talking about things until I have signed on one, not that I only colour within them, and hence I have been trying to keep a lid on things.

Those who have been closely following my progress in sunny London may ask, "Is this the job that you were talking about ... ooooh... 2 months ago"? To which I reply, "It surely is .. these people demonstrate the HR skills only matched by a certain HR department for the Australian Antarctic division who, knowing how much fun interview process are, like to drag theirs out over a period of six months or more".

So what is it that I will be doing? Well! I am so glad that you arse-ked. I will be working for an office type organization of communications for the United Kingdom. This means that I will be working on telecoms regulation policy for the United Kingdom, so when you hear in the news, ".. In an unusual policy twist, the United Kingdom has just moved to introduce compulsory porn screenings in kindergartens", you know who to ask about it. And I will say, "No, no, I am in the telecoms division, you want the porn department down the hall". Or some such thing.

Anyway. I shouldn't be getting all excited about this before signing stuff, but I was bored and wanted to fill everyone in.

Oh - and I also hear you shout, "SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THE FACT THAT YOU ARE CURRENTLY SIGNED UP FOR FULL TIME STUDY?!!!". To which I reply, "He- hey!!! Calm down..! I will work something out. Somehow. Not sure what, but I'll sort it out, I may just be 15-20 different kinds of busy soon".

But back to the headline news. This apple blossom alpaca merino scarf is going to be something else!!! Or, people may wish it was something else. One of the two.

Now for some memories. This song has particular poignancy for me. It was on one of the few albums that I had when driving around Europe...

Arcade Fire!!

I tried to find a good version of White Stripes Red Rain, which pulled me around many a hairpin corner a little too fast in the French Alps, and came up with THIS which is at least twenty different kinds of god awful. Actually, what am I even doing linking to it?

Anyway grab a baguette, get in your own little speed buggy of fury, and enjoy!!

________________ further update
Sorry about the white stripes clip. Hopefully this will make up for it.


Blogger tangles said...

PS. I am really sorry about the White Stripes "goth girl trys drumming with glo sticks" link. It is a great song, just try to filter out the clicking of the cassette tape and the seemingly random electronic drumming. And close your eyes. Is that too much to ask?

3:36 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Oh god ... it is terrible...

But, on a brighter note, how good is the Arcade Fire clip?

3:40 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Hmmm. Do you think that I am watching too much youtube because telly reception sucks in my new house? Well!!

3:57 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

And for good measure...

git some Low inta ya

5:12 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Hey! I am like rage at about 2.30am when you keep wondering whether it is about to get good...

Oh - I miss Rage. UK doesn't have Rage! It really freaked me out the first time I realised that telly in the UK was Rage-less. I thought it was somehow programmed into the tellys themselves...

5:14 AM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

woah, a job AND a new world record for highest number of consecutive self-comments on a blog post!!

But seriously, muchos muchos congrats!!

And I agree re: rage... It was always comforting to know that when you get home shitfaced you can watch an hour or so of obscure music whilst trying to drink enough water to live through the night...

5:52 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Credit where credits due...

PS - can everyone touch internet wood for me? I haven't actually signed this one up yet. No worries - I will just delete this post if it falls through and we will all carry on as if we never saw a thing.

Now, touch internet wood!!

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asking people to touch internet wood whist perusing your website could be taken to be, well, a little disturbing.

Congrats on the job but; as in all my congratulatory posts I will use the phrase that best sums up your achievements: 'noice work'.*

Finally, although this is a touch like the Abo calling the Niger black **, your people should be talking to 'their' people. Was this the kind of mistake you were making in the interview and they could somehow tell you were thinking the wrong spelling?

* I managed to use both a full and semicolon in the same sentence!

** My apologies to anyone offended by my overtly racist analogy, you gotta admit it does get the point across though.

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job Tangles and the "hand dyed alpaca/merino apple blossom knitting yarn" ebay win as well of course :)

Shame about Rage though...but you can always tune in to the ABC's video-on-demand site for a quick fix...

11:02 AM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

Chris, why are indigenous australians calling the nation of Niger a particular colour?

Tangles: wik-ked work g.

5:04 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Choco - I was almost going to make specific allowance for you to make "wood" jokes... Luckly I didn't need to! Wood jokes always are always welcome comic relief.

Splatt - thanks! Hopefully the scarf will live up to expectations.

Lil'bro - it is a crazy world.

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was using the Latin base term meaning 'black' and was hoping you would all take the mental leap to the intended racial slur.

It had nothing what-so-ever to do with my inability to spell.

If you can't spell a derogatory racist term does that mean you’re not racist?

5:48 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

ONYA! Aw! Does this usher in a new era of happy tangles?

12:27 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Yes ... I think that it might!!

(is my happiness so easily bought?! ... er .. yes, yes it is...)

9:13 PM  

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